Animation is a tough racket. In addition to being able to draw, an animator has to be able to act--and do it a drawing at a time! A scene might also require that the animator be part comedian, part dancer, part scientist (you figure out the drag coefficient on a falling anvil!)--even part basketball player. Four artists have written descriptions of how they approach an assignment, using Space Jam scenes as examples.

Be aware--the articles below may contain SPOILERS--so if you haven't seen the movie yet and don't want anything given away, proceed at your own risk!
Fear Of Rabbits! 

Animator Brian Smith discusses the perils of guiding one of filmdom's greatest stars through a crucial scene from his first starring role in a feature film.

All This Work for Nawt? 

Real enough to frighten, cartoony enough to spawn a gigantic toy line. Dan Root talks about how to animate a Monstar.

Notes on a Slobbering Cat 

A journey deep within the pussycat psyche. Tom Riggin is your guide into the furry Heart of Darkness.

The Pig and the Method 

Marty Fuller tries to get into his scene, and begins to identify with Porky Pig far too much for anybody's comfort.


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